New Hours & Book SALE!
Now until 31 MAY!
Due the recent surge in Covid 19 cases in Bangkok we are temporarily reducing our opening hours, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm daily. We are also not offering coffee or other beverages. We request that all customers wear face masks when shopping in the store. We are not conducting any temperature checks at this point, but we will limit the number of people in the shop to no more than ten at a time. Many thanks for your cooperation, support, and patience during this difficult time.
On a more positive note, we’re having a SALE from now until May 31. To encourage more online shopping, the discount will have two different levels. For mail order customers all books and CDs are on sale for 20% off the regular price. For walk-in customers visiting our shop the discount will be 10% off. The sale, however, does NOT include the already discounted books and CDs in the “Blowout” sections of the shop (located on the outside table and on the floor under the regular bookshelves).
To see what we have in stock, you can download a complete list of books (an Excel spreadsheet) via the link on this page our website. If you are unable to use Excel, or are looking for specific titles, you can also use the “Instant Book Search” function:
Tel: 02-661-2993
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal