Need a box bed? Diamond Bedding expert in box beds, all colors, all models, all sizes! With offer 20% discount on all types of box beds!
It’s not over yet! Still have 3% discount + Free membership card 10% discount on all products in the shop
Free delivery service to all provinces and cities
087 57 87 97
Shop location: 100 meters from Kamko City traffic stop, Toul Kork village, Toul Songke commune, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh capital
Google map :
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal
Số 8B (đối diện số 45) Trần Nhật Duật , P. Tân Đinh, Q. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
VND910,000.00Need a box bed? Diamond Bedding expert in box beds, all colors, all models, all sizes! With offer 20% discount on all types of box beds! It’s not over yet! Still have 3% discount + Free membership card 10% discount on all products in the shop Free de...